Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Smarter Surfing - Total Accelerator Flies!

This internal project came from thousand of skilled developers over a decade to create. Thanks to our DNS resolution improvements provided by OpenDNS. The project code named CacheHit Proxy, which accelerates, filters and improves security on the net. Since we developed this package over a 6+ year period of time, we developed the system to be web proxy based, and be plug and play, and not have any software needed to install.

We tested the system on dialup, wireless, mesh and on several different operating systems (another reason to build the accelerator proxy) like, Windows(r) Wink2k, ME, XP, 98SE , Ubuntu, Redhat, Suse, and on and on. There where even a couple proxy programs for ubuntu that we tried that forwarded the traffic automatically, and gave you a simple on and off button. Cool ideas! So far seeing speed increases double to 10 times and up to 30 times faster in response times.

More details, pricing, and instructions

Main Web Site

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