Monday, July 30, 2007

Review - Google Web Accelerator

Web accelerators are great , if and when they work. I have seen some of the best and this one seems to lack texture to their latex of solutions. Since I built my own, I wanted to see if it would preform any better across a couple of different types of Internet connections.

Sad to say the program had allot of overhead and ate a good percentage of CPU power which stalled the browser, so any 'acceleration'(saved 2 seconds) was completely ruined by the 5 second freeze. Turned ap off, and T1 speeds resumed. Seemed this test was too much for our older tester box, which meant 35 % of our clients could not even run the ap.

Site Link =-
Main Company Link =- http:/

Always happy to test any new Google device or project. Sad the Google Web Accelerator is not meant for anything under a gig of CPU speed which limits another large portion of the Internet especially the dialup portion of the globe.

Test Platforms:

Linux - Not Available
Mac - Not Available
Windows XP or 2K+

Will Update on industry standard 2.4 GHZ PC on T1 versus dialup , both with and without GWA running. See future reviews.


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Wireless Worlds said...

We tested on high (15-18 megabit speeds) and even then it was only seconds that was shaved, and someof the secure sites, and data would be misunderstood, or not working, so beware with any software. Always backup data you want daily.