Thursday, July 19, 2007

Software Review - TrixBox. 2.0.2

Well after Trixbox was recently purchased we new the system would be semi overhauled, and that it did. Some features worked good. Install CD is sweet, and simple, just the way it always should be.

Trixbox 2.0.2
OS - CentOS
686 / 64 bit AMD
512 megs ram

Install up went very smooth. Upgrade on the other hand needs WORK, in my opinion. The GUI admin interface is great except when upgrading modules. It hangs and freezes for what seemed like hours, and finally gave details, that YUM was able to do faster and all at once. Each application from what I see , operated its functions yes, but the admin GUI freezing on updates, made it hard to evaluate what was happening at that point. Simply killed the install or upgrade proccesses, and box was back to normal. Did loose my interface for a little as well, so the version still have a ways to go, in my opinion.

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