Monday, February 19, 2007

XMMS - Media Player for Linux - 5 Stars

Fast, light and clean install. Installed on my Ubuntu install in a click and works great.
For those needing a simple winamp style media player XMMS is your choice.

Web Site -

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Ubuntu to the Rescue !

After one of our local guys got me hooked on the distro, I can now see that the distro really has taken off and is very usefaull and pretty easy to use for admins.
I was impressed that I could still surf from CD, and shell into a server while installing. The distro upgrade comes next.

The install and upgrade went off without any issues. Wow. Even found my weird modem and sound card without having to mess with anything. 5 stars on installer and setup. Very nice and very simple.

Friday, February 9, 2007

MP3 Media Server - MP3MYSTIC

Web Site :
MP3 Media Server

With my inhome mesh network and a 500 MHZ PC with SCSI HD , 512 megs ram, preloaded with Win2K, I was able to play my complete media library in any room in the house. The mutli-tiered mesh was my first attempt at mesh and still runs my home network even today.

The software was a breeze to download and we bought a license. The software worked right off the shelf with no web server or special addon needed, just for basic HTML data. No database to install, and it only took minutes to setup.

4 Stars

Support was simple. Just email and the guy was prompt and assisted every time.